Friday, June 29, 2007
More ntg from another photog

more ntg

I saw this one on the truck in front of our practice space in Georgetown. The person bird. Reminds me of this sculpture some friends of my parents in Texas had in their house when I was younger.
We are going to Portland this weekend. We leave soon. I am looking forward to the relaxation of being out of town. Even if it is only for a little while. My wife and her friends are going river rafting. I will cruise around town while they do that.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
employee's at Guitar Center
Friday, June 22, 2007
look out for the iphone
Apple is giving tours of the iphone here. I haven't watched it yet. I probably will soon, but I won't buy one, my wife might though.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
more ntg from capitol hill

Monday, June 18, 2007
More NTG in Fremont
Saturday, June 16, 2007
New NTG under the West Seattle Bridge

So I took the upper bridge route to work most of the week. Today after breakfast at Skylark , where I had the most delicious Strawberry Banana Pancakes, I took the lower bridge to take my wife to work. We noticed some new NTG work. When I got back home I took some photos. I'm sure everyone has seen them already, but I will put them up anyway.
My wife saw one on the side of the Comet Tavern. I will take a picture tonight when I pick her up.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
It is finally over, talk to the wolf.
Monday, June 11, 2007
When television and the media rule your life.
Now you might know my wife is out of town. This came at just the wrong time for a much watched show to end. Everywhere I looked today, on the internet, the radio, newspapers, and television people wanted to talk about the end of the Sopranos. I haven't seen it yet people. I don't live in a bubble. And I can't help but pick up little bits and pieces. 2 more days of this shit, then the suspense ends. Maybe Paris Hilton will go on a hunger strike again and people will let it be the the spoiler reports.
I noticed an old workmate from my bookmarking days S.P. Miskowski has a blog for the Seattle P.I called Tv Talk . She is blogging about the HBO show "Big Love". It should be a cool critique, we had some good conversations over the bookmark table.
The Closer starts soon. Thank You.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Hostel pt 2
Friday, June 8, 2007
Can't and Naomi

Then came Can't. Can't is the solo project of Jessica Rylan from Boston. She plays homemade modular synths and she also played some acoustic guitar (not what I was expecting). She markets her modular synths under the name Flower Electronics. The beginning was sort of a low square wave, slowly pulsing, she seemed to have some problems with hearing the monitors. The next piece she used a microphone that was being ring modulated thru the synth. Again she wasn't happy with the sound. Then something wasn't working on the modular synth. I was not to impressed with her synth sounds and her performance was sort of lackluster. This could have been equipment failure driven, but if so she didn't deal very well. After she did some interpretive dance and played acoustic guitar.

Thursday, June 7, 2007
it's alive
Later after dinner my wife bought me a Wii, so I would have a babysitter while she is gone next week. That bowling game is awesome.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
new photo

These people added their own art to the garden, careful not to touch!!!
Here is some grafitti above the sculpture garden.
Monday, June 4, 2007
More wet phone links, Dan McCarthy
In a more positive note we bought some cool art this weekend. After we noticed the bear, owl and person stickers under the West Seattle bridge were painted over/ pulled down last week, which as an aside sucks as my morning commute will not be nearly as cool now, we became inspired to fill the empty space in our living room wall. I found a artist from Massachusetts who's screen prints I really liked. His name is Dan McCarthy you can check his art out here . He is running a series that ends in Sept. were we receive one print a month, it was for a year, but you can still sign up for a partial year. Cool.
No Phone :'(
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Another NTG from this weekend

We saw it on the way to breakfast at the Dish. When we got the Dish the wait was too long, so we went to Bad Albert's in Ballard. I had the crab and cheese omelet. It rocked. Try it out if you have a chance. They had a chalkboard with this quote from Kurt Vonnegut, " Will all the believers in telekinesis in the room, Raise my hand." I liked that one.
Then we walked around the Ballard Farmers Market and Fremont Sunday Market. We found nothing we wanted.
Later we went to see Spiderman 3. My review was that only Thomas Haden Church's character was interesting. The rest of the movie was sub par for this franchise. My spider sense is telling me the clock has run out on this franchise. It wasn't a total waste of time, but don't run out unless you don't have anything else to do.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
new sightings of no touching ground
Now that's how I felt about the guy who tagged the fence where our dumpsters are in our building. I know its might be hypocritical to like looking at graffiti and slamming someone for tagging, but tagging without any art is just stupid.