Sunday, May 4, 2008

soda pop rating system

The other day I was drinking a soda and I began to think of a graph to represent the soda's I drink and how it relates to which I prefer. At the top of the list is free, any free soda always wins. Then comes taste. I prefer coke zero to diet pepsi. I prefer diet pepsi to diet coke. I prefer fresca to diet 7 up.

Newer brands come into play as well. I prefer pepsi one to diet pepsi and coke zero to diet coke. I really like cherry coke zero. I also like diet Barq and diet mug, equally. My favorite is diet vernors, though it is hard to find , so I don't drink it often. If I did it might fall further down the list as I like colas more than clear soda.


Unknown said...

what about fresca? I actually haven't tried the zeros--but now I will. What's the difference between coke zero and diet coke? Are they using a different sweetener? Who knew soda could be so complex!

mthead said...

I mentioned Fresca as liking it better than Diet 7-up, or really any of the clear soda, ecept for Diet Vernors, which I don't count as clear cause it is sort of beige colored. Coke zero uses splenda I think....

B.Rem said...

those zero sodas have chemical sweeteners. Real sugar has more calories but it's probably better for you than all those junky chemicals. I'm a water fan.